test match
(also infml 口语作 test) cricket or Rugby match between teams of certain countries, usu one of a series during a tour (板球或英式橄榄球的)国际间的比赛(通常包括若干赛次).
1. Eventually he won the match. 他终于赢得了这场比赛。
2. But nothing can match them for speed and comfort. 但就速度与舒适而言,飞机是无与伦比的。
3. But these kids also know that succeeding on a test by cheating is not really succeeding at all. 但是这些孩子也知道,靠考试作弊获得的成功根本算不上是什么真正的成功。
4. Beard and other experts say it's advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves. 比尔德和其他专家都说,对这些人而言,最好每年验一次血,以测定血液中铁离子的储量。
5. When my HIV test results returned positive, I was shocked and confused. Was I dying? Was my shot at the '88 Olympics vaporized? 当我知道自己的艾滋病检验结果是阳性时,我感到震惊和困惑。我会死去吗?我想在88年奥运会上再铸辉煌的心愿会化为泡影吗?
6. There was a dense crowd at the match. 比赛场上有密集的人群。
7. They made experiments to test the empirical formula. 他们通过实验来证明这一实验式。
8. The match flared in the darkness. 火柴的光亮在黑暗中一闪.
9. The player´s injury incapacitated him for participating in the football match . 运动员的伤势使得他无法参加足球比赛.
10. The test provided us with a pragmatic analysis of the value of this course. 这次测试对我们开设这门课程的价值提供了实事求是的分析依据。